Welcome to my Photo Book Store 

  Back in 2002,  I bought a book on Astral Dynamics. The book teaches you how to practice kundalini meditation which leads into Astral Projection. What the book teaches. Is to learn to relax your body so much that your soul can leave your body and  float above your body, And you can command your Soul to fly around, that’s just what I did. They call that Out of Body experience. 
   The sensation of floating above your body, it’s unbelievable, it feels so good, like you’re a light as a feather. I used to fly through my bed, walls, and furniture. It was fun and relaxing. Until my Girlfriend, Died in a car crash. That is when I decided to do the next step, Astral Projection. 
  Astral Projection means you can command your soul to travel through all the different dimensions. That Is just what I did, I travel to the spirit world to visit my dead sweetheart. In fact every night after work, I would go home and Astral Project myself into the Spirit world. I bet I visited her, in that place at least 300 times. It’s beautiful over there. That story and many other stories are in my UFO books.
I traveled to all the Dimension, Including the Extraterrestrial one
  I now have a large following of Spirits or Entities that watch over me. They take care of me and keep me Healthy, Happy, Psychic Etc.
Well now I have about a thousand or more photos of Aliens, Spirits, Monsters. I tried to separate them and stick them in all these Photo Books. Well I hope you enjoy them. 
Just goes to show you with all these Spirits, There is a God, I am very close to
Jesus Christ.


I was a former Cast member in the HBO Movie ( No one Dies in Lily Dale )
   I talk about in the movie, about my Past girl friend that Died in a Car Wreck, She would visit me Nightly as a Little Green Orb and sleep in my Hand. 
An Orb is a round ball of light, My Orb book will be out soon, Then you can see all the faces of people and Animals that past away.


My book come in Large Format 11×13 format or Coffee Table Book With a Dust cover or 
                                         8×10 Paper back, Photo Books all picture I took myself with my camera.
  the green buttons below.  just click that buttons, it will take you to my publishers website, and you can buy it there.

This is my newest book,

I had a terrible dream 20years ago. its in this Book, I do not think its going to happen, especially with our New President. But this book has maybe a few more stories in it including the Alien reincarnation chamber. Its amazing the stuff you see and hear, while Visiting the Mother Ship.

   Welcome to my curse, 

 All my life I have seen Ghosts, Orbs, UFOs Why? I struggled to figure out why? I read every book on why. I studied all different kinds of meditations like Transcendental, Remote viewing, Remote Projection, Remote Healing, Kundalini, I opened my 3rd eye with it. Plus, I used, Astral Projection where I can take my soul out of my body and fly around my bedroom.
Until one day in 2006 a girl friend of mine died. I was Heartbroken for my loss for her. One night I had a great idea, I would do an Astral Project for her just to see her again. I did not care of the ramification, I guess it’s supposed to be forbidden to visit the spirit verses of the Astral Verse, I call it. Now I am Cursed, But I found a way around all that ghostly agony, I can take their picture now. I am now Big in the Ghost world now.

8×10 Hard Back 72 pages, or 11 x 13 66pages, Dust Cover. Big Coffee Table Book,

     I figured this Book of Angel Pictures I have taken by my Camera Is a gift to me from the Gods I sure hope that means I am a good Soul. I thought I would share them with you, I used premium Photo Paper. on this copy of the Hardback book.

60 Pages 10 x 8 Hard Back made with Premium Luster Paper

Picture is taken above my House, of my Angel, she’s on the bottom of the Picture, the rest of the Picture has animals that where in my life.

      I live 4 doors from the church. Every time I walk by the church I take a Pictures of the Angels that surround the church. This book is the same as ( Chasing the Holy Ghost) It just has a different cover on it and made with regular Paper. Yea my publisher has all kinds of Paper grades, for me to choose from.

I have a large following of Spirits. especially when I use my car, they like to pile in. and go Go Bye bye with me. In my book I have a lot of photos of spirits that like to follow me around.

8×10 Photo Book 60 page full color pages, I took with my own camera

Well I usually dance with the Devils, When I cross over. I get all types of entities. including the Devils. I am not proud of them. But this book is for educational purposes to let you know Evil is very close. I am always, protected by a Higher Power, I’m not worried8×10 Photo Book 60 pages full color about 140 of my best Photographs that I took myself. All of Demons, Most of them have horns

This Book is filled with dark Aliens from the Astral Verse. When you are into Astral Projection like I am, I seem to attract a few Darker Demonic looking Aliens, oh don’t worry there Highly evolved and don’t care about you. They are more interested in me! It’s hard to believe that as Highly evolved as they are they never had their Picture taken. The Aliens on the front cover of my book.  Holding their child. Which is nice. I like getting Family Photos This Book comes in  a  6X9 60 PAGES format, and is only available on my website 

 The EBE’s or Aliens and the spirits combine themselves all together, in making all the pictures in this Book, from all my Animals from my Ahashic Records of all my pets and Animals that have visited me in my life. There are a few Ghost pics, especially of kids.

  I know it’s hard to believe. Now you know, how I feel like trying to explain this all. See what happens when you sell your soul to a hIgher power.

My high end book, 100 page Coffee Table 13 x 11 Photo Book with 201 of my favorite Photographs I took with my Digital Camera, I used the Best Mohawk Pro photo Pearl Paper to display them all in this Book. This book includes my Photo of Virgin Mary, Angels, Cherubs, Spirits of the church, Animal Ghosts, Dragons, UFOs, some Aliens, Demons and my Anubis the Egyptian god of the dead. Some time I wonder if I am related to all of these. They told me in the spirit world I was reincarnated hundreds and hundreds of times. Who was I in my passed life I wonder? 

 My Coffee Table Book 11×13 with a Dust Jacket Demon Photo Book, 

  That picture on the front, I remember I was walking my dogs down the Alley, That was one of my very first Pictures, Hey at the time, I didn’t know what kind of can, I Open into my life by Astral Projection my soul to the Spirit world to visit my soul mate that died in a car wreck. Now today I have hundreds and hundreds of photographs of all different entities. If you are ever haunted, I suggest go to church and get yourself baptized into the fate of Jesus Christ. 

A Collection of my best Photos, all put together in an Elegant 100 pages10x8 Premium Luster Lay-Flat Photo book.


Basically they are photos of the practicing spirits for the 2nd coming, of you know who? They just chose me to be the camera man. God have mercy for our World!!!!



How many Gray Aliens or EBE’s ( Extraterrestrials Biological Entity’s ) does it take to make that Photo above? Well I call it Alien Mosaic Art? I bet there a least 60 of them little Aliens in that Mist. They are pointing for me to go Home! Lol,  I guess they will deal with me LATER! 

I have learned the Best way to get along with everything, is to act obedient and follow the 10 Commandments or Better yet the 43 things God Hates, Because if I break any of those rules. That when they turn Scary, probably Why they call me DarkJimmy.

Email  darkjimmy@myyahoo.com